‏ Song of Solomon 2


The Beloved Man

1I am a flower of the plain; a lily of the valleys. 2As a lily in the midst of thorn-bushes, thus is my dear one in the midst of the daughters. 3As an apple among the trees of the groves, so is my beloved man in the midst of the sons. To be in his shadow I desired, and I sat down, and his fruit was sweet in my throat. 4Bring me into the house of wine! Order for me love! 5Support me with perfumes! Pile me with apples, for [2being pierced 3of love 1I am]. 6His left hand is under my head, and his right hand will embrace me. 7I bound you by an oath, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the powers and by the strengths of the field, if you should arise and awaken love until of which time it should want. 8The voice of my beloved man. Behold, thus he comes springing up over the mountains, leaping over the hills. 9[2is likened 1My beloved man] to the doe or a fawn of the hinds. Behold, he stands behind our wall, leaning over through the windows, looking out through the lattice. 10[2responds 1My beloved man], and he says to me, Rise up, come my dear one, my fair one, my dove! 11For behold, the winter went by, the rain went forth; it went to itself. 12The flowers appeared in the land; the time of pruning arrived; the voice of the turtle-dove was heard in our land; 13the fig-tree brought forth its immature figs; the grapevines blossom, they gave a scent. Rise up, come my dear one, my fair one, my dove, yes come! 14You are my dove in the protection of the rock, being next to the area around the wall. Show to me your appearance, and cause me to hear your voice! for your voice is agreeable, and your appearance is beautiful. 15Lay hold for us [2foxes 1the small], that are obliterating the vineyards; for our grapevines blossom. 16My beloved man is to me, and I to him. He is the one tending among the lilies, 17until of which time [3should refresh 1the 2day], and [3should move 1the 2shadows] -- return! You be like, O my beloved man, to the buck or fawn of the hinds [2upon 3the mountains 1encircling]!
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