‏ Zechariah 7


Obedience is Better than Fasting

1And it came to pass in the fourth year of Darius the king, [3came 1the word 2of the lord] to Zechariah the fourth of the [2month 1ninth], which is Chisleu. 2And [2sent 3to 4Beth-el 1Sherezar], and Regem the king, and his men, to atone the lord, 3saying to the priests in the house of the lord almighty, and to the prophets, saying, [3has entered 4here 5in 6the 7fifth 8month 1The 2sanctified offering], as it did already a fit number of years. 4And came to pass the word of the lord of the forces to me, saying, 5Speak to all the people of the land, and to the priests, saying, If you should fast or beat your chest in the fifth or in the seventh months, and behold, for seventy years, by fasting have you fasted to me? 6And if you should eat or should drink, do you not eat and drink to yourselves? 7[2not 3these 4my words 1Are], which the lord spoke by the hands of the prophets, of the ones before, when Jerusalem was inhabited, and prospering? and her cities round about, and the mountainous area, and the plain was inhabited?

The LORD Requires Justice and Mercy

8And came to pass the word of the lord to Zechariah, saying, 9Thus says the lord almighty, saying, [2judgment 1A just] you shall judge, and [4mercy 5and 6compassion 1let 3execute 2each] towards his brother! 10And [2the widow 3and 4orphan 5and 6foreigner 7and 8needy 1tyrannize not]! and [5the hurt 2each 6of his brother 3not 1let 4resent] in your hearts! 11And they resisted to take heed, and they gave their backside ranting, and [2their ears 1pressed] to not listen, 12and their heart was ordered for resisting persuasion, to not listen to my law, and the words which [3sent out 1the lord 2almighty] by his spirit, by the hands of the prophets, of the ones before. And there was [2anger 1great] by the lord almighty. 13And it will be in which manner I spoke, and they did not listen to him, so they shall cry out, and in no way shall I listen, says the lord almighty. 14And I will cast them into all the nations which they did not know. And the land shall be obliterated after them from traveling, and from returning through it. Yes, they ordered up the [2land 1choice] for extinction.
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