2 Corinthians 12:12

Verse 12. Truly the signs of an apostle. Such miracles as the acknowledged apostles worked. Such "signs" or evidences that they were Divinely commissioned. Mk 16:16; Mk 16:17; Rom 15:19.

Were wrought among you. That is, by me. 1Cor 9:2.

In all patience. I performed those works notwithstanding the opposition which I met with. I patiently persevered in furnishing the evidence of my Divine commission. There was a succession of miracles demonstrating that I was from God, notwithstanding the unreasonable opposition which I met with, until I convinced you that I was called to the office of an apostle.

In signs, and wonders. In working miracles. Acts 2:22. What these miracles at Corinth were, we are not distinctly informed. They probably, however, were similar to those wrought in other places, in healing the sick, etc.; the most benevolent, as it was one of the most decisive proofs of the Divine power.

(a) "signs of an apostle" 1Cor 9:2
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