Acts 11:19-20

Verse 19. Now they, etc. This verse introduces a new train of historical remark; and from this point the course of the history of the Acts of the Apostles takes a new direction. Thus far, the history had recorded chiefly the preaching of the gospel to the Jews only. From this point the history records the efforts made to convert the Gentiles. It begins with the labours put forth in the important city of Antioch, Acts 11:19,20 and as, during the work of grace that occurred in that city, the labours of the apostle Paul were especially sought, Acts 11:25,26, the sacred writer thenceforward confines the history mainly to his travels and labours.

Which were scattered abroad. See Acts 8:1.

As far as Phenice. Phoenice, or Phoenicia, was a province of Syria, which in its largest sense comprehended a narrow strip of country lying on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean, and extending from Antioch to the borders of Egypt. But Phoenice Proper extended only from the cities of Laodicea to Tyre, and included only the territories of Tyre and Sidon. This country was called sometimes simply Canaan. Mt 15:22.

And Cyprus. An island off the coast of Asia Minor, in the Mediterranean Sea. Acts 4:36.

And Antioch. There were two cities of this name, one situated in Pisidia in Asia Minor, see Acts 13:14; the other, referred to here, was situated on the river Orontes, and was long the capital of Syria. It was built by Seleucus Nicanor, and was called Antioch, in honour of his father Antiochus. It was founded three hundred and one years before Christ. It is not mentioned in the Old Testament, but is several times mentioned in the Apocrypha, and in the New Testament. It was long the most powerful city of the East, and was inferior only to Seleucia and Alexandria. It was famous for the fact that the right of citizenship was conferred by Seleucus on the Jews, as well as the Greeks and Macedonians, so that here they had the privilege of worship in their own way without molestation. It is probable that the Christians would be regarded merely as a sect of Jews, and would be here suffered to celebrate their worship without interruption. On this account it may have been that the early Christians regarded this city as of such particular importance, because here they could find a refuge from persecution, and be permitted to worship God without molestation. This city was honoured as a Roman colony, a metropolis, and an asylum. It was large; was almost square; had many gates; was adorned with fountains; and was a city of great opulence. It was, however, subject to earthquakes, and was several times nearly destroyed. In the year 588 it experienced an earthquake, in which 60,000 persons were destroyed. It was taken by the Saracens in A. D. 638; and, after some changes and revolutions, it was taken during the crusades, after a long and bloody siege; by Godfrey of Bouillon, June 3, A. D. 1098. In 1268, it was taken by the sultan of Egypt, who demolished it, and placed it under the dominion of the Turk. Antioch is now called Antakia, and contains about 10,000 inhabitants. (Robinson's Calmet.)

Preaching the word. The word of God, the gospel.

To none but unto the Jews only. They had the common prejudices of the Jews, that the offers of salvation were to be made only to Jews.

(k) "they which were scattered abroad" Acts 8:1 (l) "unto the Jews only" Mt 10:6
Verse 20. Were men of Cyprus and Cyrene. Were natives of Cyprus and Cyrene. Cyrene was a province and city of Libya in Africa. It is at present called Cairoan, and is situated in the kingdom of Barca. In Cyprus, the Greek language was spoken; and from the vicinity of Cyrene to Alexandria, it is probable that the Greek language was spoken there also. From this circumstance it might have happened that they were led more particularly to address the Grecians who were in Antioch. It is possible, however, that they might have heard of the vision which Peter saw, and felt themselves called on to preach the gospel to the Gentiles.

Spake unto the Grecian. προςτουςελληνιστας To the Hellenists. This word usually denotes, in the New Testament, those Jews residing in foreign lands who spoke the Greek language. Acts 6:1. But to them the gospel had been already preached; and yet in this place it is evidently the intention of Luke to affirm, that the men of Cyprus and Cyrene preached to those who were not Jews, and that thus their conduct was distinguished from those Acts 11:19 who preached to the Jews only. It is thus manifest that we are here required to understand the Gentiles, as those who were addressed by the men of Cyprus and Cyrene. In many Mss. the word used here is ελληνας, Greeks, instead of Hellenists. This reading has been adopted by Griesbach, and is found in the Syriac, the Arabic, the Vulgate, and in many of the Fathers. The AEthiopic version reads, "to the Gentiles." There is no doubt that this is the true reading; and that the sacred writer means to say that the gospel was here preached to those who were not Jews, for all were called Greeks by them who were not Jews, Rom 1:16. The connexion would lead us to suppose that they had heard of what had been done by Peter, and that, imitating his example, they preached the gospel now to the Gentiles also.

(*) "Grecians" "Hellenists" (a) "preaching" Acts 6:1, 9:29
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