Wisdom of Solomon 12:5

5and the merciless murderers of their own sons, and the eaters of human entrails, and the devourers of blood apart from your community sacrament,
12:5The phrase “devoratores sanguinis a medio sacramento tuo” is difficult. The first two words clearly mean devourers of blood, and sacramento can mean mystery or sacrament. The phrasing “a medio” seems, at first glance, to mean “in the middle,” but medio can also mean common or community and “a” can mean “apart from,” “away from,” or even “in opposition to.” This translation sees meaning which applies the text to the future Christian Church, more so than to the history of the Jewish faith. At times, the book of Wisdom is clearly talking about the past, at other times, it seems just as clearly to refer to future times, even to the end times.(Conte)
12:5 From the midst of thy consecration: Literally, sacrament. That is, the land sacred to you, in which thy temple was to be established, and man’s redemption to be wrought.(Challoner)
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