Psalms 114:1

The prayer of a just man in affliction, with a lively confidence in God.


I have loved: therefore, the Lord will heed the voice of my prayer.
114:1In this case, ‘quoniam’ does not mean ‘because,’ but more like ‘therefore.’ Here is a common translation problem. A Latin word is very often translated, and properly so, by one particular English word. Then along comes a context in which that Latin word actually means something else. It should be translated in this other context by another English word. But it is a common translation mistake not to do so. In this verse, the statement ‘I have loved,’ is followed, not by the reason that I loved, but by the result of that choice. I do not choose to love because I think that God will answer my prayers, but rather when I choose to love, the result is that God will answer my prayers.(Conte)

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