Song of Solomon 1:13

13 My beloved is a cluster of Cyprus grapes to me, in the vineyards of Engaddi.
1:18The bride is speaking; she refers to the groom as ‘my beloved’ which is masculine in Latin (dilectus meus). ‘Botrus Cypri’ refers to a cluster of grapes from Cyprus. The word ‘Cypri’ means Cyprus. The island of Cyprus has an ancient tradition of wine-making going back over four thousand years; their grapes and wine were renown, even in ancient times. The word Cypri does not refer to the cypress tree, except that the island was perhaps named after that tree. Botrus means ‘cluster of grapes,’ and this is also clear from the subsequent reference to a vineyard. Engaddi was a type of oasis, a town located where a warm spring was in ancient times, near the Dead Sea. +Christ is the source of the consecrated wine of the Church, just as grapes are the source of ordinary wine. The grapes and wines of Cyprus were renown, just as the Sacraments of Christ are and shall be renown.(Conte)

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