Song of Solomon 3:10

10He made its columns of silver, the reclining place of gold, the ascent of purple; the middle he covered well, out of charity for the daughters of Jerusalem.
3:10The middle was not just ‘stravit,’ covered; it was ‘constravit,’ well-covered. The prefix ‘con’ intensifies the meaning of the word. It was well-covered, so that the daughters of Jerusalem would not see all of the king’s figure and desire him. The bride notes the chastity and charity of the king. +The glory of God is not entirely accessible to the Church, for God is ineffable. Therefore, even to the whole Church, even to the Magisterium, even to the Blessed in Heaven, God is beyond complete human comprehension. God is always to some extent unknown and alone and unreachable, except to Himself. The Church teaches about the chastity and charity of the Christ.(Conte)

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