Song of Solomon 8:5

5Chorus to Groom: Who is she, who ascends from the desert, flowing with delights, leaning upon her beloved?
8:5Although the maidens continue to question the groom about his bride, their questions show an increased understanding of the bride. (Verses 5 and 6 in the CPDV are together verse 5 in the Latin; it was split into two verses because there are two different speakers.) +Although those maturing in faith continue to question Christ about His Church, their questions show an increased understanding of the Church.(Conte)
8:5 Who is this, etc: The angels with admiration behold the Gentiles converted to the faith: coming up from the desert, that is, coming from heathenism and false worship: flowing with delights, that is, abounding with good works which are pleasing to God: leaning on her beloved, on the promise of Christ to his Church, that the gates of hell should not prevail against it; and supported by his grace conferred by the sacraments. Under the apple tree I raised you up; that is, that Christ redeemed the Gentiles at the foot of the cross, where the synagogue of the Jews (the mother church) was corrupted by their denying him, and crucifying him.(Challoner)

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