Wisdom of Solomon 11:5

5For through water, their enemies had been punished, by the corruption of their drinking water; and so, among them, when the sons of Israel lacked the abundance they would have had, their enemies rejoiced;
11:5The corruption of the drinking water refers to one of the plagues God sent through Moses against the Egyptians (Exodus 7:16-21). The drinking water of the Egyptians was turned to blood and so became undrinkable. Then, then the Israelites were thirsty in the desert, their enemies, Egyptians, rejoiced at the lack of abundance of food and water which the Israelites would have had if they had remained in Egypt.(Conte)
11:5 By what things, etc: The meaning is, that God, who wrought a miracle to punish the Egyptians by thirst, when he turned all their waters into blood, (at which time the Israelites, who were exempt from those plagues, had plenty of water,) wrought another miracle in favour of his own people in their thirst, by giving them water out of the rock.(Challoner)
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