1 Chronicles 17:3-14

Verse 5

But have gone from tent to tent - "I have transferred my tabernacle from Gilgal to Nob, from Nob to Shiloh, and from Shiloh to Gibeon." - Targum and Jarchi.
Verse 9

Neither shall the children of wickedness - They shall no more be brought into servitude as they were in the time they sojourned in Egypt. This is what is here referred to.
Verse 12

I will establish his throne for ever - David was a type of Christ; and concerning him the prophecy is literally true. See Isa 9:7, where there is evidently the same reference.
Verse 13

I will not take my mercy away from him - I will not cut off his family from the throne, as I did that of his predecessor Saul.
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