1 Chronicles 5:1


The genealogies of Reuben, 1Chr 5:1-10. Of Gad, 1Chr 5:11-17. The exploits of Reuben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh, 1Chr 5:18-22. The genealogy of the half tribe of Manasseh, 1Chr 5:23, 1Chr 5:24. The idolatry of these tribes and their captivity by the Assyrians, 1Chr 5:25, 1Chr 5:26.

Verse 1

The sons of Reuben the first-born - As Reuben was the eldest son of Jacob, why was not his genealogy reviewed first? This verse answers the question; he lost the birth-right because of the transgression mentioned Gen 35:22; Gen 49:4, and the precedency was given to Judah; from him therefore came the chief ruler. This appears to be the meaning of the place.
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