1 Corinthians 16:15-18

Verse 15

Ye know the house of Stephanas - Ye know that Stephanas and his family have addicted them to the help of the followers of Christ; they have been the chief instruments of supporting the work of God in Achaia, of which work they themselves have been the first fruits. See the note on Rom 16:5.
Verse 16

That ye submit yourselves unto such - That ye have due regard to them, and consider them as especial instruments in the hand of God for countenancing and carrying on his great work. The submission here recommended does not imply obedience, but kind and courteous demeanour. Kypke vindicates this sense of the word from Eph 5:21; 1Pet 5:5.
Verse 17

I am glad of the coming of Stephanas, etc. - It was by these that the Corinthians had sent that letter to the apostle, to answer which was a main part of the design of St. Paul in this epistle.

Fortunatus - This man is supposed to have survived St. Paul; and to be the same mentioned by Clement in his epistle to the Corinthians, sec. 59, as the bearer of that epistle from Clement at Rome to the Christians at Corinth.

For that which was lacking on your part - This may either refer to additional communications besides those contained in the letter which the Corinthians sent to the apostle - which additional circumstances were furnished by the persons above; and from them St. Paul had a fuller account of their spiritual state than was contained in the letter - or to some contributions on their part for the support of the apostle in his peregrinations and labors.
Verse 18

They have refreshed my spirit and yours - They have been a means of contributing greatly to my comfort; and what contributes to my comfort must increase yours. This is probably the meaning of the apostle.

Therefore acknowledge ye them - Pay them particular respect, and let all be held in esteem in proportion to their work and usefulness. When this is made the rule of respect and esteem, then foolish and capricious attachments will have no place. A man will then be honored in proportion to his merit; and his merit will be estimated by his usefulness among men.
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