1 Peter 3:6

Verse 6

Even as Sara obeyed - Almost the same words are in Rab. Tanchum, fol. 9, 3: "The wife of Abraham reverenced him, and called him lord, as it is written, Gen 18:12 : And my lord is old." The words of the apostle imply that she acknowledged his superiority, and her own subjection to him, in the order of God.

Whose daughters ye are - As Abraham is represented the father of all his male believing descendants, so Sara is represented as the mother of all her believing female posterity. A son of Abraham is a true believer; a daughter of Sarah is the same.

As long as ye do well - For you cannot maintain your relationship to her longer than ye believe; and ye cannot believe longer than ye continue to obey.

And are not afraid with any amazement - It is difficult to extract any sense out of this clause. The original is not very easy; Μη φοβουμεναι μηδεμιαν πτοησιν may be rendered, And not fearing with any terror. If ye do well, and act conscientiously your part as faithful wives, ye will at no time live under the distressing apprehension of being found out, or terrified at every appearance of the discovery of infidelities, or improper conduct. Being not guilty of these, you will not have occasion to fear detection. On this subject a learned man has quoted these words, which I have produced elsewhere, Eph 6:14 : - - hic murus aheneus esto,

Nil conscire sibi, nulla pallescere culpa. "Let this be my brazen wall, to be self-convicted of no private delinquency, nor to change color at being charged with a fault."

Happy is the wife, and happy is the husband, who can conscientiously adopt the saying.
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