1 Samuel 12:1


Samuel, grown old, testifies his integrity before the people, which they confirm, 1Sam 12:1-5. He reproves them for their ingratitude and disobedience; and gives a summary of the history of their fathers, 1Sam 12:6-12. He exhorts them to future obedience, and calls for a sign from heaven to confirm his authority, and to show them their disobedience: God sends an extraordinary thunder and rain, 1Sam 12:13-19. He warns them against idolatry, and exhorts to obedience, and promises to intercede for them, 1Sam 12:20-23. Sums up their duty, and concludes with a solemn warning, 1Sam 12:24, 1Sam 12:25.

Verse 1

And Samuel said - It is very likely that it was at this public meeting Samuel delivered the following address; no other time seems to be given for it, and this is the most proper that could be chosen.
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