1 Samuel 17:1


The Philistines gather together against Israel at Ephes-dammim, and Saul and his men pitch their camp near the valley of Elah, 1Sam 17:1-3. Goliath of Gath, a gigantic man, whose height was six cubits and a span, defies the armies of Israel, and proposes to end all contests by single combat; his armor is described, 1Sam 17:4-11. Saul and his host are greatly dismayed, 1Sam 17:12. David, having been sent by his father with provisions to his brethren in the army, hears the challenge, inquires into the circumstances, thinks it a reproach to Israel that no man can be found to accept the challenge, is brought before Saul, and proposes to undertake the combat, vv. 13-32. Saul objects to his youth and inexperience, 1Sam 17:33. David shows the grounds on which he undertakes it, 1Sam 17:34-37. Saul arms him with his own armor: but David, finding them an encumbrance, puts them off, and takes his staff, his sling, and five stones out of the brook, and goes to meet Goliath, 1Sam 17:38-40. The Philistine draws near, despises, defies, and curses him, 1Sam 17:41-44. David retorts his defiance, 1Sam 17:45-47. They draw near to each other, and David slings a stone, hits Goliath in the forehead, slays him, and cuts off his head with his own sword, 1Sam 17:48-51. The Philistines flee, and are pursued by the Israelites, 1Sam 17:52, 1Sam 17:53. David brings the head of the Philistine to Jerusalem, 1Sam 17:54. Conversation between Saul and Abner concerning David, who is in consequence brought before Saul, 1Sam 17:55-58.

Verse 1

Now the Philistines gathered together - Calmet thinks that this war happened eight years after the anointing of David, and ten or twelve years after the war with the Amalekites. We have already seen that there was war between Saul and the Philistines all his days. See 1Sam 14:52.

Shochoh and Azekah - Places which lay to the south of Jerusalem and to the west of Bethlehem; about five leagues from the former. Ephes-dammim was somewhere in the vicinity, but it is not known where. See Calmet.
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