1 Timothy 2:14

Verse 14

Adam was not deceived - It does not appear that Satan attempted the man; the woman said: The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. Adam received the fruit from the hand of his wife; he knew he was transgressing, he was not deceived; however, she led the way, and in consequence of this she was subjected to the domination of her husband: Thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee; Gen 3:16. There is a Greek verse, but it is not English law, that speaks a language nearly similar to that above: - Γυναικι δ' αρχειν ου διδωσιν ἡ φυσις.

For nature suffers not a woman's rule.

God has not only rendered her unfit for it, but he has subjected her, expressly, to the government of the man.
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