2 Chronicles 24:1


Joash begins to reign when seven years old, and reigns well all the days of Jehoiada the priest, 2Chr 24:1-3. He purposes to repair the temple of God; and makes a proclamation that the people should bring in the money prescribed by Moses, 2Chr 24:4-9. They all contribute liberally; and the different artificers soon perfect the work, 2Chr 24:10-13. The rest of the money is employed to form utensils for the temple, 2Chr 24:14. Jehoiada dies, 2Chr 24:15, 2Chr 24:16. And the people after his death become idolaters, 2Chr 24:17, 2Chr 24:18. Prophets are sent unto them, 2Chr 24:19. And among the rest Zechariah the son of Jehoiada, who testifies against them; and they stone him to death, 2Chr 24:20-22. The Syrians come against Jerusalem, and spoil it, 2Chr 24:23, 2Chr 24:24. Joash is murdered by his own servants, 2Chr 24:25, 2Chr 24:26. His acts, 2Chr 24:27.

Verse 1

Joash was seven years old - As he was hidden six years in the temple, and was but seven when he came to the throne, he could have been but one year old when he was secreted by his aunt; see on 2Chr 22:10 (note).
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