2 Chronicles 26:1-5


Uzziah, the son of Amaziah, succeeds; and begins his reign piously and prosperously, which continued during the life of Zechariah the prophet, 2Chr 26:1-5. He fights successfully against the Philistines, and takes and dismantles some of their chief cities, 2Chr 26:6; prevails over the Arabians and Mehunims, 2Chr 26:7; and brings the Ammonites under tribute, 2Chr 26:8. He fortifies Jerusalem, and builds towers in different parts of the country, and delights in husbandry, 2Chr 26:9, 2Chr 26:10. An account of his military strength, warlike instruments, and machines, 2Chr 26:11-15. He is elated with his prosperity, invades the priest's office, and is smitten with the leprosy, 2Chr 26:16-20. He is obliged to abdicate the regal office, and dwell apart from this people, his son Jotham acting as regent, 2Chr 26:21. His death and burial, 2Chr 26:22, 2Chr 26:23.

Verse 1

The people of Judah took Uzziah - They all agreed to place this son on his father's throne.
Verse 2

He built Eloth - See the notes on 2Kgs 14:21. This king is called by several different names; see the note on 2Kgs 15:1.
Verse 5

In the days of Zechariah - Who this was we know not, but by the character that is given of him here. He was wise in the visions of God - in giving the true interpretation of Divine prophecies. He was probably the tutor of Uzziah.
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