2 John 8

Verse 8

Look to yourselves - Be on your guard against these seducers; watch, pray, love God and each other, and walk in newness of life.

That we lose not those things which we have wrought - That we apostles, who have been the means of your conversion, may not be deprived of you as our crown of rejoicing in the day of the Lord Jesus.

Instead of the first person plural, απολεσωμεν, etc., We lose, etc., many MSS., versions, and fathers, read the whole clause in the second person plural, απολεσητε, Ye lose, etc. Take heed to yourselves that Ye lose not the things which Ye have wrought, but that Ye receive a full reward. This reading is more consistent and likely, and is supported by at least as good evidence as the other. We find that if these persons did not keep on their guard they might lose their salvation, and the apostles their rejoicing in the day of the Lord Jesus. Even this intimation might put them on their guard. Had the apostle said ye cannot finally fall, what a different effect would it have produced! Griesbach has placed these readings in the margin as being very probable.
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