2 Samuel 20:1


Sheba raises an insurrection, and gains a party in Israel, 2Sam 20:1, 2Sam 20:2. David shuts up the ten concubines who were defiled by Absalom, 2Sam 20:3. Amasa is sent to assemble the men of Judah, 2Sam 20:4, 2Sam 20:5. And in the mean time Abishai is sent to pursue Sheba, 2Sam 20:6, 2Sam 20:7. Joab treacherously murders Amasa, 2Sam 20:8-12. Joab and the army continue the pursuit of Sheba, 2Sam 20:13, 2Sam 20:14. He is besieged in Abel; and, by the counsels of a wise woman, the people of Abel cut off his head, and throw it over the wall to Joab; who blows the trumpet of peace, and he and his men return to Jerusalem, 2Sam 20:15-22. Account of David's civil and military officers, 2Sam 20:23-26.

Verse 1

Sheba, the son of Bichri - As this man was a Benjamite, he probably belonged to the family of Saul; and he seems to have had considerable influence in Israel to raise such an insurrection: but we know nothing farther of him than what is related in this place.

We have no part in David - We of Israel, we of the ten tribes, are under no obligation to the house of David. Leave him, and let every man fall into the ranks under his own leader.
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