2 Samuel 20:23-26

Verse 23

Joab was over all the host - He had murdered Amasa, and seized on the supreme command: and such was his power at present, and the service which he had rendered to the state by quelling the rebellion of Sheba, that David was obliged to continue him; and dared not to call him to account for his murders without endangering the safety of the state by a civil war.

Benaiah - over the Cherethites - Benaiah was over the archers and slingers.

See the notes on 2Sam 8:18.
Verse 24

Adoram was over the tribute - Probably the chief receiver of the taxes; or Chancellor of the Exchequer, as we term it.

Jehoshaphat - recorder - The registrar of public events.
Verse 25

Shevah was scribe - The king's secretary.
Verse 26

Ira - was a chief ruler about David - The Hebrew is כהן לדויד cohen ledavid, a priest to David; and so the Vulgate, Septuagint, Syriac, and Arabic. The Chaldee has רב rab, a prince, or chief. He was probably a sort of domestic chaplain to the king. We know that the kings of Judah had their seers, which is nearly the same: Gad was David's seer, 2Sam 24:11, and Jeduthun was the seer of King Josiah, 2Chr 35:16.

The conclusion of this chapter is very similar to the conclusion of 2Sam 8:16-18 (note), where see the notes.

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