2 Samuel 4:1-4


Some account of Rechab and Baanah, two of Ish-bosheth's captains, and of Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan, 2Sam 4:1-4. Rechab and Baanah murder Ish-bosheth, and escape; and bring his head to David, 2Sam 4:5-8. David is greatly irritated, and commands them to be slain, 2Sam 4:9-12.

Verse 1

All the Israelites were troubled - Abner was their great support; and on him they depended; for it appears that Ish-bosheth was a feeble prince, and had few of those qualities requisite for a sovereign.
Verse 2

Captains of bands - Principes latronum, captains of banditti, says the Vulgate; the Syriac is the same. Whether Ish-bosheth kept bands of marauders, whose business it was to make sudden incursions into the country places, and carry off grain, provisions, cattle, etc., we know not; but such persons would be well qualified for the bloody work in which these two men were afterwards employed.
Verse 3

The Beerothites fled to Gittaim - Probably the same as Gath; as Ramathaim is the same as Ramah.
Verse 4

He fell, and became lame - Dislocated his ankle, knee, or thigh; which was never after reduced; and thus he became lame. Lovely Jonathan! unfortunate in thy life, and in thy progeny.
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