2 Samuel 5:1-3


The elders of all the tribes of Israel come and anoint David king over all Israel, 2Sam 5:1-5. He goes against the Jebusites, and takes the strong hold of Zion, and afterwards the city itself; which is called the city of David, 2Sam 5:6-9. David's prosperity, and friendship with Hiram, king of Tyre, 2Sam 5:10-12. He takes more concubines, and begets several sons and daughters, 2Sam 5:13-16. The Philistines gather together against him in the valley of Rephaim; he defeats them; they abandon their idols, and David and his men burn them, 2Sam 5:17-21. They assemble once more in the valley of Rephaim, and David smites them from Geba to Gazer, 2Sam 5:22-25.

Verse 1

Then came all the tribes of Israel - Ish-bosheth the king, and Abner the general, being dead, they had no hope of maintaining a separate kingdom, and therefore thought it better to submit to David's authority. And they founded their resolution on three good arguments:

1. David was their own countryman; We are thy bone and thy flesh.

2. Even in Saul's time David had been their general, and had always led them to victory; Thou wast he that leddest out and broughtest in Israel.

3. God had appointed him to the kingdom, to govern and protect the people; The Lord said to thee, Thou shalt feed my people and be a captain over Israel.
Verse 3

They anointed David king - This was the third time that David was anointed, having now taken possession of the whole kingdom.
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