2 Samuel 6:1-5


David goes with thirty thousand men to being the ark from Kiriath-jearim to Jerusalem, 2Sam 6:1-5. The ox stumbling, Uzzah, who drove the cart on which the ark was placed, put forth his hand to save it from falling: the Lord was displeased, and smote him so that he died, 2Sam 6:6, 2Sam 6:7. David, being alarmed, carries the ark to the house of Obed-edom, 2Sam 6:8-10. Here it remained three months; and God prospered Obed-edom, in whose house it was deposited, 2Sam 6:11. David, hearing of this, brings the ark, with sacrifices and solemn rejoicings, to Jerusalem, 2Sam 6:12-15. Michal, seeing David dance before the ark, despises him, 2Sam 6:16. He offers burnt-offerings and peace offerings, and deals among all the people, men and women, a cake of bread, a good piece of flesh, and a flagon of wine each, 2Sam 6:17-19. Michal coming to meet him, and seeing him dance extravagantly before the ark, reproaches him for his conduct: he vindicates himself, reproves her, and she dies childless, 2Sam 6:20-23.

Verse 1

Thirty thousand - This is supposed to have been a new levy; and thus he augmented his army by 30,000 fresh troops. The Septuagint has 70,000.
Verse 2

From Baale of Judah - This is supposed to be the same city which, in Jos 15:60, is called Kirjah-baal or Kirjath-jearim; (see 1Chr 13:6); or Baalah, Jos 15:9.

Whose name is called by the name of the Lord - That is, The ark is called the ark of the Lord of hosts. But this is not a literal version; the word שם shem, Name, occurs twice together; probably one of them should be read שם sham, There. There the name of the Lord of hosts was invoked, etc.
Verse 3

A new cart - Every thing used in the worship of God was hallowed or set apart for that purpose: a new cart was used through respect, as that had never been applied to any profane or common purpose. But this was not sufficient, for the ark should have been carried on the shoulders of the priests; and the neglect of this ceremony was the cause of the death of Uzzah.
Verse 5

On all manner of instruments made of fir wood - This place should be corrected from the parallel place, 1Chr 13:8 : "All Israel played before God, with all their might, and with singing, and with harps, and with psalteries," etc. Instead of בכל עצי bechol atsey, "with all woods" or "trees;" the parallel place is בכל עז bechol oz. "with all their strength:" this makes a good sense, the first makes none. The Septuagint, in this place, has the verse reading; εν ισχυΐ, with might.
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