Acts 20:32

Verse 32

I commend you to God - Instead of τῳ Θεῳ, to God, several MSS. have τῳ Κυριῳ, to the Lord; neither reading makes any difference in the sense.

And to the word of his grace - The doctrine of salvation by Christ Jesus.

Which is able to build you up - The foundation is Jesus Christ; God is the great master-builder; the doctrine of his grace, or mercy, points out the order and manner, as well as the extent, etc., of this building. Let us observe the order of these things: -

1. The soul of man, which was formerly the habitation of God, is now in a state of ruin.

2. The ruins of this soul must be repaired, that it may again become a habitation of God through the Spirit.

3. Jesus Christ is the only foundation on which this house can be rebuilded.

4. The doctrine of God's grace is the model, or plan, according to which the building can be raised.

5. When re-edified, each is to be a lively temple of the Lord, made inwardly pure and outwardly righteous, and thus prepared for a state of bliss.

6. Being made children of God, by faith in Christ Jesus, and sanctified by his Spirit, they have a right to the heavenly inheritance; for only the children of the family can possess the celestial estate.

Thus we find they must be saved by grace, and be made thereby children of God; be sanctified by his Spirit; and, then, being prepared for, they are removed, in due time, into the heavenly inheritance.
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