Acts 7:22

Verse 22

In all the wisdom of the Egyptians - Who were, at that time, the most intelligent and best instructed people in the universe. Philo says, Moses was taught arithmetic, geometry, poetry, music, medicine, and the knowledge of hieroglyphics. In Sohar Cadash, fol. 46, it is said, "that, of the ten portions of wisdom which came into the world, the Egyptians had nine, and that all the inhabitants of the earth had only the remaining portion." Much of the same nature may be seen in the rabbins, though they apply the term wisdom here to magic.

Was mighty in words and in deeds - This may refer to the glorious doctrines he taught, and the miracles he wrought in Egypt. Josephus Ant. lib. ii. cap. 10, sect. 1, gives an account of his being general of an Egyptian army, defeating the Ethiopians, who had invaded Egypt, driving them back into their own country, and taking Saba their capital, which was afterwards called Meroe. But this, like many other tales of the same writer, is worthy of little credit.

Phoenix says the same of Achilles: - Μυθων τε ῥητηρ' εμεναι, πρηκτηρα τε εργων.

Il. ix. v. 443.

Not only an orator of words, but a performer of deeds.
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