Deuteronomy 12:1-3


All monuments of idolatry in the promised land to be destroyed, Deu 12:1-3; and God's service to be duly performed, Deu 12:4-7. The difference between the performance of that service in the wilderness and in the promised land, Deu 12:8-11. The people are to be happy in all their religious observances, Deu 12:12. The offerings must be brought to the place which God appoints, and no blood is to be eaten, Deu 12:13-16. The tithe of corn, wine, oil, etc., to be eaten in the place that God shall choose, Deu 12:17, Deu 12:18. The Levite must not be forsaken, Deu 12:19. All clean beasts may be eaten, but the blood must be poured out before the Lord, and be eaten on no pretense whatever, Deu 12:20-25. Of vows, burnt-offerings, etc., Deu 12:26, Deu 12:27. These precepts are to be carefully obeyed, Deu 12:28. Cautions against the abominations of the heathen, Deu 12:29-31. Nothing to be added to or diminished from the word of God, Deu 12:32.
Verse 3

Ye shall overthrow their altars - Where unholy sacrifices have been offered; and break their pillars, probably meaning statues and representations of their gods cut out of stone; and burn their groves, such as those about the temple of Ashtaroth, the Canaanitish Venus, whose impure rites were practiced in different parts of the enclosures or groves round her temples; and ye shall hew down the graven images, probably implying all images carved out of wood; and destroy the names of them, which were no doubt at first graven on the stones, and carved on the trees, and then applied to the surrounding districts. In various instances the names of whole mountains, valleys, and districts were borrowed from the gods worshipped there.
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