Exodus 29:1


Ceremonies to be used in consecrating Aaron and his sons, Exo 29:1-3. They are to be washed, Exo 29:4. Aaron is to be clothed with the holy vestments, Exo 29:5, Exo 29:6; to be anointed, Exo 29:7. His sons to be clothed and girded, Exo 29:8, Exo 29:9. They are to offer a bullock for a sin-offering, Exo 29:10-14; and a ram for a burnt-offering, Exo 29:15-18; and a second ram for a consecration-offering, Exo 29:19-22. A loaf, a cake, and a wafer or thin cake, for a wave-offering, Exo 29:23-25. The breast of the wave-offering and the shoulder of the heave-offering to be sanctified, Exo 29:26-28. Aaron's vestments to descend to his son, who shall succeed him, Exo 29:29, Exo 29:30. Aaron and his sons to eat the flesh of the ram of consecration, Exo 29:31, Exo 29:32. No stranger to eat of it, Exo 29:33. Nothing of it to be left till the morning, but to be burnt with fire, Exo 29:34. Seven days to be employed in consecrating Aaron and his sons, Exo 29:35-37. Two lambs, one for the morning and the other for the evening sacrifice, to be offered continually, Exo 29:38-42. God promises to sanctify Israel with his glory, and to dwell among them, Exo 29:43-46.

Verse 1

Take one young bullock - This consecration did not take place till after the erection of the tabernacle. See Lev 8:9-14.
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