Exodus 29:1-3


Ceremonies to be used in consecrating Aaron and his sons, Exo 29:1-3. They are to be washed, Exo 29:4. Aaron is to be clothed with the holy vestments, Exo 29:5, Exo 29:6; to be anointed, Exo 29:7. His sons to be clothed and girded, Exo 29:8, Exo 29:9. They are to offer a bullock for a sin-offering, Exo 29:10-14; and a ram for a burnt-offering, Exo 29:15-18; and a second ram for a consecration-offering, Exo 29:19-22. A loaf, a cake, and a wafer or thin cake, for a wave-offering, Exo 29:23-25. The breast of the wave-offering and the shoulder of the heave-offering to be sanctified, Exo 29:26-28. Aaron's vestments to descend to his son, who shall succeed him, Exo 29:29, Exo 29:30. Aaron and his sons to eat the flesh of the ram of consecration, Exo 29:31, Exo 29:32. No stranger to eat of it, Exo 29:33. Nothing of it to be left till the morning, but to be burnt with fire, Exo 29:34. Seven days to be employed in consecrating Aaron and his sons, Exo 29:35-37. Two lambs, one for the morning and the other for the evening sacrifice, to be offered continually, Exo 29:38-42. God promises to sanctify Israel with his glory, and to dwell among them, Exo 29:43-46.

Verse 1

Take one young bullock - This consecration did not take place till after the erection of the tabernacle. See Lev 8:9-14.
Verse 2

Unleavened bread - Three kinds of bread as to its form are mentioned here, but all unleavened:

1. מצות matstsoth, unleavened bread, no matter in what shape. See Exo 12:8.

2. חלת challoth, cakes, pricked or perforated, as the root implies.

3. רקיקי rekikey, an exceeding thin cake, from רק rak, to be attenuated, properly enough translated wafer. The manner in which these were prepared is sufficiently plain from the text, and probably these were the principal forms in which flour was prepared for household use during their stay in the wilderness.

These were all waved before the Lord, Exo 29:24, as an acknowledgment that the bread that sustains the body, as well as the mercy which saves the soul, comes from God alone.
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