Exodus 29:38-42

Verse 39

One lamb thou shalt offer in the morning - These two lambs, one in the morning, and the other in the evening, were generally termed the morning and evening daily sacrifices, and were offered from the time of their settlement in the promised land to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. The use of these sacrifices according to the Jews was this: "The morning sacrifice made atonement for the sins committed in the night, and the evening sacrifice expiated the sins committed during the day."
Verse 40

A tenth deal of flour - Deal signifies a part, from the Anglo-Saxon word, to divide; hence, a part, a portion taken from the whole. From Num 28:5 we learn that this tenth deal was the tenth part of an ephah, which constituted what is called an omer. See Exo 16:36; and see Clarke's note on Exo 16:16 of the same chapter, where an account is given of different measures of capacity among the Hebrews. The omer contained about three quarts English.

The fourth part of a hin - The hin contained one gallon and two pints. The fourth part of this was about one quart and a half of a pint.

Drink-offering - A libation poured out before the Lord. See its meaning, Lev 7:1, etc.
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