Exodus 33:1


Moses is commanded to depart from the mount, and lead up the people towards the promised land, Exo 33:1. An angel is promised to be their guide, Exo 33:2. The land is described, and the Lord refuses to go with them, Exo 33:3. The people mourn, and strip themselves of their ornaments, Exo 33:4-6. The tabernacle or tent is pitched without the camp, Exo 33:7. Moses goes to it to consult the Lord, and the cloudy pillar descends on it, Exo 33:8, Exo 33:9. The people, standing at their tent doors, witness this, Exo 33:10. The Lord speaks familiarly with Moses; he returns to the camp, and leaves Joshua in the tabernacle, Exo 33:11. Moses pleads with God, and desires to know whom he will send to be their guide, and to be informed of the way of the Lord, Exo 33:12, Exo 33:13. The Lord promises that his presence shall go with them, Exo 33:14. Moses pleads that the people may be taken under the Divine protection, Exo 33:15, Exo 33:16. The Lord promises to do so, Exo 33:17. Moses requests to see the Divine glory, Exo 33:18. And God promises to make his goodness pass before him, and to proclaim his name, Exo 33:19. Shows that no man can see his glory and live, Exo 33:20; but promises to put him in the cleft of a rock, and to cover him with his hand while his glory passed by, and then to remove his hand and let him see his back parts, Exo 33:21-23.

Verse 1

Unto the land - That is, towards it, or to the borders of it. See Exo 32:34 (note).
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