Ezekiel 36:8-16

Verse 8

For they are at hand to come - The restoration of the Jews is so absolutely determined that you may rest assured it will take place; and be as confident relative to it, as if you saw the different families entering into the Israelitish borders. It was near at hand in God's determination, though there were about fifty-eight of the seventy years unelapsed.
Verse 9

Ye shall be tilled and sown - The land shall be cultivated as it formerly was, when best peopled and at peace.
Verse 11

I will multiply upon you man and beast - The agriculturalist and the beast of burden.

And will do better unto you than at your beginnings - I agree with Calmet, that it would be difficult to show the literal fulfillment of this prophecy from the days of Zerubbabel to the birth of Christ. The colouring is too high for that period; and the whole falls in better with Gospel than with Jewish times.
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