Isaiah 23:4

Verse 4

Be thou ashamed, O Zidon - Tyre is called Isa 23:12, the daughter of Sidon. "The Sidonians," says Justin, 18:3, "when their city was taken by the king of Ascalon, betook themselves to their ships, and landed, and built by Tyre." Sidon, as the mother city is supposed to be deeply affected with the calamity of her daughter.

Nor bring up virgins "Nor educated virgins" - ורוממתי veromamti; so an ancient MS. Of Dr. Kennicott's prefixing the ו vau, which refers to the negative preceding, and is equivalent to ולא velo. See Deu 23:6; Pro 30:3. Two of my own MSS. have ו vau in the margin.
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