Jeremiah 4:7-9

Verse 7

The lion is come up - Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. "The king (Nebuchadnezzar) is come up from his tower." - Targum.

The destroyer of the Gentiles - Of the nations: of all the people who resisted his authority. He destroyed them all.
Verse 8

Lament and howl - הילילו heililu. The aboriginal Irish had a funeral song called the Caoinian, still continued among their descendants, one part of which is termed the ulaloo: this is sung responsively or alternately, and is accompanied with a full chorus of sighs and groans. It has been thought that Ireland was originally peopled by the Phoenicians: if so, this will account for the similarity of many words and customs among both these people.
Verse 9

The heart of the king shall perish - Shall lose all courage.
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