Job 10:1


Job is weary of life, and expostulates with God, Job 10:1-6. He appeals to God for his innocence; and pleads on the weakness of his frame, and the manner of his formation, Job 10:7-13. Complains of his sufferings, and prays for respite, Job 10:14-20. Describes the state of the dead, Job 10:21, Job 10:22.

Verse 1

My soul is weary of my life - Here is a proof that נפש nephesh does not signify the animal life, but the soul or immortal mind, as distinguished from חי chai, that animal life; and is a strong proof that Job believed in the distinction between these two principles; was no materialist; but, on the contrary, credited the proper immortality of the soul. This is worthy of observation. See Job 12:10.

I will leave my complaint - I still charge myself with the cause of my own calamities; and shall not charge my Maker foolishly: but I must deplore my wretched and forlorn state.
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