John 18:12-14

Verse 12

The captain - Χιλιαρχος, The chiliarch, or chief over one thousand men - answering nearly to a colonel with us. See the note on Luk 22:4. He was probably the prefect or captain of the temple guard.
Verse 13

To Annas - This man must have had great authority in his nation:

1. Because he had been a long time high priest;

2. Because he had no less than five sons who successively enjoyed the dignity of the high priesthood; and,

3. Because his son-in-law Caiaphas was at this time in possession of that office.

It is likely that Annas was chief of the Sanhedrin, and that it was to him in that office that Christ was first brought. Some think that Annas was still high priest, and that Caiaphas was only his deputy, though he did the principal part of the business, and that it as because of this that he is called high priest. But see the notes on Mat 2:4, and Luk 3:2.

That same year - The office was now no longer during life as formerly. See the note on Joh 11:49.

What is related in the 24th verse, Now Annas had sent him bound to Caiaphas, comes properly in after the 13th verse. One of the Vienna MSS. adds this verse here; the later Syriac has it in the margin, and St. Cyril in the text.
Verse 14

Caiaphas was he which gave counsel, etc. - Therefore he was an improper person to sit in judgment on Christ, whom he had prejudged and precondemned: see on Joh 11:50-52 (note). But Christ must not be treated according to the rules of justice: if he had, he could not have been put to death.
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