Joshua 1:12-15

Verse 13

Remember the word - He puts the Reubenites, etc., in remembrance of the engagements they had made with Moses (See Num 32:20) when he granted them their portion on the east side of Jordan.
Verse 14

Your wives, your little ones - And with these it appears, from Num 32:17, were left behind 70,580 effective men to guard them and their property; only 40,000 having passed over Jordan to assist the nine tribes and half to conquer the land. See Jos 4:13.

Armed - חמשים chamushim, by fives; in several lines, five in front, probably the usual method of marching; but it seems to signify arrayed, equipped, accoutred, well-armed, and ready for battle. See the note on Exo 13:18.
Verse 15

Toward the sun-rising - This is the East, as toward the going down of the sun signifies the West.
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