Judges 18:11-21

Verse 11

Six hundred men - These were not the whole, for we find they had children, etc., Jdg 18:21; but these appear to have been six hundred armed men.
Verse 12

Mahaneh-dan - "The camp of Dan;" so called from the circumstance of this armament encamping there. See Jdg 13:25 (note), which affords some proof that this transaction was previous to the days of Samson.
Verse 14

Consider what ye have to do - They probably had formed the design to carry off the priest and his sacred utensils.
Verse 18

These went unto Micah's house - The five men went in, while the six hundred armed men stood at the gate.
Verse 19

Lay thine hand upon thy mouth - This was the token of silence. The god of silence, Harpocrates, is represented on ancient statues with his finger pressed on his lips.
Verse 20

Went to the midst of the people - He was glad to be employed by the Danites; and went into the crowd, that he might not be discovered by Micah or his family.
Verse 21

The little ones and the cattle, etc. - These men were so confident of success that they removed their whole families, household goods, cattle, and all.

And the carriage - כבודה kebudah, their substance, precious things, or valuables; omne quod erat pretiosum, Vulgate: or rather the luggage or baggage; what Caesar calls in his commentaries impedimenta; and what the Septuagint here translate βαρος, weight or baggage. We are not to suppose that any wheel carriage is meant.
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