Leviticus 1:7-9

Verse 7

Put fire - The fire that came out of the tabernacle from before the Lord, and which was kept perpetually burning; see Lev 9:24. Nor was it lawful to use any other fire in the service of God. See the case of Nadab and Abihu, Leviticus 10 (note).
Verse 8

The priests - shall lay the parts - The sacrifice was divided according to its larger joints.

1. After its blood was poured out, and the skin removed, the head was cut off.

2. They then opened it and took out the omentum, or caul, that invests the intestines.

3. They took out the intestines with the mesentery, and washed them well, as also the fat.

4. They then placed the four quarters upon the altar, covered them with the fat, laid the remains of the intestines upon them, and then laid the head above all.

5. The sacred fire was then applied, and the whole mass was consumed. This was the holocaust, or complete burnt-offering.
Verse 9

An offering - of a sweet savor - אשה ריח ניחוח ishsheh reiach nichoach, a fire-offering, an odour of rest, or, as the Septuagint express it, θυσια οσμη ευωδιας, "a sacrifice for a sweet-smelling savor;" which place St. Paul had evidently in view when he wrote Eph 5:2 : "Christ hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering, και θυσιαν - εις οσμην ευωδιας, and a sacrifice, for a sweet-smelling savor," where he uses the same terms as the Septuagint. Hence we find that the holocaust, or burnt-offering, typified the sacrifice and death of Christ for the sins of the world.
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