Leviticus 25:1


The law concerning the Sabbatical or seventh year repeated, Lev 25:1-7. The law relative to the jubilee, or fiftieth year, and the hallowing of the fiftieth, Lev 25:8-12. In the year of jubilee every one to return unto his possessions, Lev 25:13. None to oppress another in buying and selling, Lev 25:14. Purchases to be rated from jubilee to jubilee, according to the number of years unexpired, Lev 25:15-17. Promises to obedience, Lev 25:18, Lev 25:19. Promises relative to the Sabbatical year, Lev 25:20-22. No inheritance must be finally alienated, Lev 25:23, Lev 25:24. No advantage to be taken of a man's poverty in buying his land, Lev 25:25-28. Ordinances relative to the selling of a house in a walled city, Lev 25:29, Lev 25:30; in a village, Lev 25:31. Houses of the Levites may be redeemed at any time, Lev 25:32, Lev 25:33. The fields of the Levites in the suburbs must not be sold, Lev 25:34. No usury to be taken from a poor brother, Lev 25:35-38. If an Israelite be sold to an Israelite, he must not be obliged to serve as a slave, Lev 25:39, but be as a hired servant or as a sojourner, till the year of jubilee, Lev 25:40, when he and his family shall have liberty to depart, Lev 25:41; because God claims all Israelites as his servants, having redeemed them from bondage in Egypt, Lev 25:42, Lev 25:43. The Israelites are permitted to have bond-men and bond-women of the heathens, who, being bought with their money, shall be considered as their property, Lev 25:44-46. If an Israelite, grown poor, be sold to a sojourner who has waxed rich, he may be redeemed by one of his relatives, an uncle or uncle's son, Lev 25:47-49. In the interim between the jubilees, he may be redeemed; but if not redeemed, he shall go free in the jubilee, Lev 25:50-54. Obedience enforced by God's right over them as his servants, Lev 25:55.
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