Luke 1:28

Verse 28

And the angel came in unto her - Some think that all this business was transacted in a vision; and that there was no personal appearance of the angel. When Divine visions were given, they are announced as such, in the sacred writings; nor can we with safety attribute any thing to a vision, where a Divine communication is made, unless it be specified as such in the text.

Hail - Analogous to, Peace be to thee - May thou enjoy all possible blessings!

Highly favored - As being chosen in preference to all the women upon earth, to be the mother of the Messiah. Not the mother of God, for that is blasphemy.

The Lord is with thee - Thou art about to receive the most convincing proofs of God's peculiar favor towards thee.

Blessed art thou among women - That is, thou art favored beyond all others.
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