Luke 24:1-3


The women coming early to the sepulchre on the first day of the week, bringing their spices, find the stone rolled away, and the tomb empty, Luk 24:1-3. They see a vision of angels, who announce Christ's resurrection, Luk 24:4-8. The women return and tell this to the eleven, Luk 24:9, Luk 24:10. They believe not, but Peter goes and examines the tomb, Luk 24:11, Luk 24:12. Christ, unknown, appears to two of the disciples who were going to Emmaus, and converses with them, vv. 13-29. While they are eating together, he makes himself known, and immediately disappears, Luk 24:30, Luk 24:31. They return to Jerusalem, and announce his resurrection to the rest of the disciples, Luk 24:32-35. Jesus himself appears to them, and gives them the fullest proof of the reality of his resurrection, Luk 24:36-43. He preaches to them, and gives them the promise of the Holy Spirit, Luk 24:44-49. He takes them to Bethany, and ascends to heaven in their sight, Luk 24:50, Luk 24:51. They worship him, and return to Jerusalem, Luk 24:52, Luk 24:53.

Verse 1

Bringing the spices - To embalm the body of our Lord: but Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea had done this before the body was laid in the tomb. See Joh 19:39, Joh 19:40. But there was a second embalming found necessary: the first must have been hastily and imperfectly performed; the spices now brought by the women were intended to complete the preceding operation.

And certain others with them - This clause is wanting in BCL, two others; Coptic, Ethiopic, Vulgate, and in all the Itala except two. Dionysius Alexandrinus, and Eusebius also omit it. The omission is approved by Mill, Bengel, Wetstein, Griesbach, and others. Bishop Pearce thinks it should be left out for the following reasons:

1. "They who came to the sepulchre, as is here said, being the same with those who, in Luk 23:55, are called the women which came with him from Galilee, there was no room for Luke (I think) to add as here, and some others came with them; because the words in Luk 23:55, to which these refer, include all that can be supposed to be designed by the words in question.

2. Luke has named no particular woman here, and therefore he could not add and some others, etc., these words necessarily requiring that the names of the women should have preceded, as is the case in Luk 24:10, where, when Mary Magdalene, the other Mary, and Joanna, had been named, it is very rightly added, and other women that were with them."
Verse 2

They found the stone rolled away - An angel from God had done this before they reached the tomb, Mat 28:2 : On this case we cannot help remarking, that, when persons have strong confidence in God, obstacles do not hinder them from undertaking whatever they have reason to believe he requires; and the removal of them they leave to him: and what is the consequence? They go on their way comfortably, and all difficulties vanish before them.
Verse 3

And found not the body of the Lord - His holy soul was in Paradise, Luk 23:43; and the evangelist mentions the body particularly, to show that this only was subject to death. It is, I think, evident enough, from these and other words of Luke, that the doctrine of the materiality of the soul, made no part of his creed.
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