Luke 7:18-23

Verse 18

The disciples of John showed him, etc. - It is very likely that John's disciples attended the ministry of our Lord at particular times; and this, we may suppose, was a common case among the disciples of different Jewish teachers. Though bigotry existed in its most formidable shape between the Jews and Samaritans, yet we do not find that it had any place between Jews and Jews, though they were of different sects, and attached to different teachers.
Verse 19

Art thou he that should come? - That is, to save. Art thou the promised Messiah? See on Mat 11:3 (note).

Some have thought that this character of our Lord, ὁ ερχομενος, he who cometh, refers to the prophecy of Jacob, Gen 49:10, where he is called שילה Shiloh, which Grotius and others derive from שלה shalach, he sent: hence, as the time of the fulfillment of the prophecy drew nigh, he was termed, He who cometh, i.e. he who is just now ready to make his appearance in Judea. In Zac 9:9, a similar phrase is used, Behold, thy king Cometh unto thee - having Salvation. This is meant of the Messiah only; therefore I think the words to save, are necessarily implied.
Verse 21

Infirmities and plagues - The following judicious note from Bp. Pearce is worthy of deep attention: "Luke mentions here νοσοι, μαϚιγες, leprosias, and πνευματα πονηρα, i.e. diseases or ill habits of body, sores or lamenesses, and evil spirits: from whence we may conclude that evil spirits are reckoned by him (who speaks of distempers with more accuracy than the other evangelists) as things different from any disorders of the body, included in the two former words."

Unto many that were blind he gave light - Rather, he kindly gave sight - εχαρισατο το βλεπειν; or, he graciously gave sight. This is the proper meaning of the original words. In all his miracles, Jesus showed the tenderest mercy and kindness: not only the cure, but the manner in which he performed it, endeared him to those who were objects of his compassionate regards.
Verse 22

See these verses explained at large on Mat 11:4-15 (note).
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