Luke 9:27-36

Verse 28

About an eight days after - See the whole of this important transaction explained at large on Mat 17:1-13 (note).
Verse 31

His decease - Την εξοδον αυτον, That going out (or death) of his. That peculiar kind of death - its nature, circumstances, and necessity being considered. Instead of εξοδον, thirteen MSS. have δοξαν, glory. They spoke of that glory of his, which he was about to fill up (πληρουν) at Jerusalem. The Ethiopic unites both readings. The death of Jesus was his glory, because, by it, he gained the victory over sin, death, and hell, and purchased salvation and eternal glory for a lost world.
Verse 33

It is good for us to be here - Some MSS. add παντοτε, It is good for us to be Always here.
Verse 35

This is my beloved Son - Instead of ὁ αγαπητος, the beloved one, some MSS. and versions have εκλεκτος, the chosen one: and the Ethiopic translator, as in several other cases, to be sure of the true reading, retains both.

In whom I am well pleased, or have delighted - is added by some very ancient MSS. Perhaps this addition is taken from Mat 17:5.
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