Malachi 2:6

Verse 6

The law of truth was in his mouth - See the qualifications of Levi:

1. "He feared me;" he was my sincere worshipper.

2. "He was afraid;" he acted as in the presence of a just and holy God, and acted conscientiously in all that he did.

3. "My law of truth was ever in his mouth;" by this he directed his own conduct and that of others.

4. "No iniquity;" nothing contrary to justice and equity ever proceeded "from his lips."

5. "He walked with me in peace;" he lived in such a way as to keep up union with me.

6. "He did turn many away from iniquity;" by his upright administration, faithful exhortations, and pious walk, he became the instrument of converting many sinners.

This character suits every genuine minister of God. And as the priest's lips should preserve knowledge, so the people should seek "the law at his mouth;" for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts, Mal 2:7.
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