Mark 6:53-56

Verse 53

The land of Gennesaret - This country lay on the coast of the sea of Galilee: it is described by Josephus as being exceedingly pleasant and fertile. It had its name of Gennesaret from גן, gen, a garden, and סר sar, a prince, either because the king had a garden there, or because of its great fertility.
Verse 54

They knew him - Επιγνοντες, They recollected him; for he had before preached and wrought miracles in different places of the same country.
Verse 56

Villages - Probably small towns near cities.

Country - Villages at a distance from cities and large public towns. See the notes on Mat 14:34-36 (note).

Christ went about doing good - he confined his ministry and miracles to no place - wherever he went, they stood in need of his help; and whenever they required his assistance, they had it granted immediately. Our Lord's conduct, in these respects, is a perfect pattern for every preacher of his Gospel.

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