Matthew 17:15-18

Verse 15

My son - is lunatic - Σεληνιαζεται. One who was most affected with this disorder at the change and full of the moon. See on Mat 4:24 (note). But this lunacy was occasioned by a demon, see Mat 17:18, and Mar 9:17; Luk 9:38. In this case, the devil intended to hide himself under the appearance of a natural disorder, that no supernatural means might be resorted to for his expulsion. See a remarkable account on Luk 9:39 (note).

Falleth ofttimes into the fire, and oft into the water - The paroxysms of his disorder frequently recurred; and among his numerous falls, some were into the fire and some into the water: so that, on this account, his life was in continual danger. Those who are under the influence of the devil are often driven to extremes in every thing. Such are often driven into the fire of presumption, or the waters of despair. Satan takes advantage of our natural temper, state of health, and outward circumstances, to plague and ruin our souls.
Verse 16

Thy disciples could not cure him - No wonder, when the cure must be effected by supernatural agency, and they had not faith enough to interest the power of God in their behalf, Mat 17:20. A spiritual disorder must have a spiritual remedy: natural means, in such cases, signify just - nothing.
Verse 17

O faithless and perverse generation! - These and the following words may be considered as spoken:

1. To the disciples, because of their unbelief, Mat 17:20.

2. To the father of the possessed, who should have brought his son to Christ.

3. To the whole multitude, who were slow of heart to believe in him as the Messiah, notwithstanding the miracles which he wrought.

See Kypke.

Perverse, διεστραμμενη, signifies -

1. Such as are influenced by perverse opinions, which hinder them from receiving the truth: and,

2. Such as are profligate in their manners.

Kypke. This last expression could not have been addressed to the disciples, who were certainly saved from the corruption of the world, and whose minds had been lately divinely illuminated by what passed at and after the transfiguration: but at all times the expression was applicable to the Jewish people.
Verse 18

Jesus rebuked the devil - Deprived him of all power to torment the child; and obliged him to abandon his present usurped habitation.

There are some souls whose cure God reserves to himself alone, and to whom all the applications of his ministers appear to be utterly ineffectual. He sometimes does all without them, that they may know they can never do any good without him. Quesnel.
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