Nehemiah 10:37-39

Verse 38

Tithe of the tithes - The tithes of all the produce of the fields were brought to the Levites; out of these a tenth part was given to the priests. This is what is called the tithe of the tithes. The law for this is found, Num 18:26.
Verse 39

We will not forsake the house of our God - Here was a glorious resolution; and had they been faithful to it, they had been a great and good people to the present day. But what is implied in, We will not forsake the house of our God? I answer: -

I. The Church of God is the house of God; there he has his constant dwelling-place.

II. True believers are his family in this house; and this family consists of,

1. Fathers and mothers;

2. Young persons;

3. Little children; And

4. Servants.

III. The ministers of the word of God are the officers and overseers of this house and family.

IV. The worship of God is the grand employment of this family.

V. The ordinances of God are the food of the members of this family; or the means of their spiritual support.

VI. Those who do not forsake the house of their God are those,

1. Who continue in the faith;

2. Who grow in grace;

3. Who labor in the vineyard;

4. Who bring forth fruit;

5. Who conscientiously attend all the ordinances; and

6. Who take care that the offerings of the house of God shall be duly made, providing for those who labor in the word and doctrine.


1. Art thou of this house?

2. Art thou in this house?

3. To what part of the family dost thou belong?

4. Art thou still an infant in this house?

5. Dost thou attend the ordinances of this house?

6. Hast thou forsaken this house?

These questions are of great importance; answer them as in the sight of God.

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