Numbers 7:1-3


When the tabernacle was fully set up, it appeared that the princes of the twelve tribes had prepared six covered wagons, drawn by two oxen each, one wagon for two tribes, for the service of the tabernacle, Num 7:1-3. Moses is commanded to receive this offering, and distribute the whole to the Levites according to their service, Num 7:4, Num 7:5. Moses does so, and gives two wagons and four oxen to the sons of Gershon, Num 7:6, Num 7:7; and four wagons and eight oxen to the sons of Merari, Num 7:8. The sons of Kohath have none, because they were to bear the ark, etc., on their shoulders, Num 7:9. Each prince is to take a day for presenting his offerings, Num 7:10, Num 7:11. On the first day Nahshon, of the tribe of Judah, offers a silver charger, a silver bowl, a golden spoon, a young bullock, a ram, a lamb, and a kid, for a Sin-Offering; two oxen, five rams, five he-goats, and five lambs, for a Peace-Offering, Num 7:12-17. On the second day Nethaneel, of the tribe of Issachar, offers the like, Num 7:18-23. On the third day Eliab, of the tribe of Zebulun, offers the like, Num 7:24-29. On the fourth day Elizur, of the tribe of Reuben, offers the like, Num 7:30-35. On the fifth day Shelumiel, of the tribe of Simeon, made a similar offering, Num 7:36-41. On the sixth day Eliasaph, of the tribe of Gad, made his offering, Num 7:42-47. On the seventh day Elishama, of the tribe of Ephraim, made his offering, Num 7:48-53. On the eighth day Gamaliel, of the tribe of Manasseh, made his offering, Num 7:54-59. On the ninth day Abidan, of the tribe of Benjamin, made his offering, Num 7:60-65. On the tenth day Ahiezer, of the tribe of Dan, made his offering, Num 7:66-71. On the eleventh day Pagiel, of the tribe of Asher, made his offering, Num 7:72-77. On the twelfth day Ahira, of the tribe of Naphtali, made the same kind of offering, Num 7:78-83. The sum total of all vessels and cattle which were offered was twelve silver chargers, and twelve silver bowls; twelve golden spoons; twelve bullocks, twelve rams, and twelve kids; twenty-four bullocks, sixty rams, sixty he-goats, and sixty lambs, Num 7:84-88. The offerings being ended, Moses goes into the tabernacle, and hears the voice of the Lord from the mercy-seat, Num 7:89.

Verse 1

On the day that Moses had fully set up the tabernacle - The transactions mentioned in this chapter took place on the second day of the second month of the second year after their departure from Egypt; and the proper place of this account is immediately after the tenth chapter of Leviticus.
Verse 3

Six covered wagons - שש עגלת צב shesh egloth tsab, six tilted wagons, the Septuagint translate ἑξ ἁμαξας λαμπηνικας, with which the Coptic agrees; but what lampenic chariots were, no person pretends to know. Covered or tilted is probably the meaning of the original. The wagons were given for the more convenient exporting of the heavier parts of the tabernacle, which could not be conveniently carried on men's shoulders.
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